
Mission Statement, etc.

Mission Statement, etc.

Here is my input about the various ‘about us’ statements on the webpage… OUR VISION: I heard that there was...

What are we?

What are we?

In our “About Us” we now have 5 or so short descriptions of our organization and its activities/beliefs. I’m am,...

#5 What is poverty?

#5 What is poverty?

I don’t know. That’s an odd way to start off a blog post, isn’t it? I am a small part...

Poverty’s Not a Narrow Subject

Poverty’s Not a Narrow Subject

For me, the Sen discussion is an extension of the main discord amongst members of La Ceiba. From writing an...

Five Freedoms

Five Freedoms

Amartya Sen argues the point that an increase in income to poverty stricken community is not the only key to...

The Freedom to Overcome Poverty

The Freedom to Overcome Poverty

According to Amartya Sen, people working in the development field need to shift their focus away from narrow views to...

Income and “Unfreedoms”

Income and “Unfreedoms”

Though I don’t know that I initially agreed with Sen’s phrase “freedom” as the means and end of development, simply...
