Time Well Spent: Considering Our Mission and Values
We envision a world in which every man, woman, and child have the opportunity to realize their potential through hard work and lead a fulfilling life.
Critique: agree with this statement as our vision; however I’m not sure the dangling clause “lead a fulfilling life” adds a lot of value to the statements intended meaning. Perhaps this is because I think it sounds awkward when spoken, but maybe better integrating the idea of leading a fulfilling life into the statement will garner a more concise meaning.
Suggestions: We envision a world in which every man, woman, and child have the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life and realize their potential through hard work and determination.
Sustainable solutions to poverty require the endogenous emergence of effective, legitimate, and resilient community-wide institutions that foster productive cooperation among its members.
Critique: I like this statement a lot. It gets at our unique understanding of poverty. It recognizes that sustainable solutions must emerge from within the community, and that we are simply facilitators of these solutions.
Suggestions: None
Empower our clients with the assets and capabilities to participate in, influence and hold accountable the institutions that structure their lives, their children’s lives, and their communities.
Critique: Overall, I like the way the mission acknowledges that our job is to empower our clients so they, themselves, are able to make the changes in their community they wish to see. This is important if we are to foster sustainable improvements in the lives of our clients. Because we want the change to come from within the community we should focus on creating opportunities that can sustain themselves for years after our presence in the community has ended.
Suggestions: Consider clarifying assets. As a group I think we need to define what assets we truly provide. Are they the financial and educational assets provided through our loan program and financial literacy curriculum, or do they encompass the social aspects of community dynamics in areas like improving self-confidence and self-worth through operating one’s own business. This commentary is probably a bit too esoteric for what our mission is trying to convey, but all the same I think we need to come together on solidifying our definition of asset. Also, as other LC members have suggested—the clause, “their children’s lives” may not be absolutely necessary. While I think it shows our recognition of the future of El Progreso, it may already be implied in the inclusion of “communities”.
Expand economic opportunities for and improve the everyday living conditions of our clients through the provision of financial, social, and educational support. To do this, we develop long-lasting relationships founded upon mutual respect and open communication with our clients.
Critique: I like this, there is nothing significant I would change here. I think the reason I really like this is because it includes the many viewpoints within La Ceiba that work cooperatively towards the same goal. There are some of us who are more inclined to weigh heavily the relationships we build with clients in measuring the success of what we do; while others are guided more by the economic and financially stimulating programs we provide. Neither is mutually exclusive, therefore I’m glad our method statement reflects both sentiments.
Suggestions: none.
Hope for a better tomorrow, dreams of your children’s future, and optimism that if you work hard and keep working hard that success can be yours are things that poverty can steal from those in its grasp. When it does, we want to steal it back.
Critique: The modifier your in “your children’s future” may be a little ambiguous. The children of our clients and their community are likely what we mean, but leaving it out would simply mean the summation of all children’s futures which could be beneficial for a variety of interested parties. Also I rearranged some of the words (detailed below) to perhaps add some clarity to the statement’s meaning. I really like the conclusion of the sentence. It’s punchy and declarative; I think it reflects our steadfast commitment to what we do.
Suggestions: “Hope for a better tomorrow, dreams of children’s future and optimism that continually working hard can lead to success are things that poverty can steal from those in its grasp. When it does, we want to steal it back.”
We strive to do the most good. Therefore we carefully consider our potential impact when researching, designing, and implementing specific programs, so that our efforts create positive opportunities for growth and progress.
Rationale: This value statement speaks to our self- awareness as an organization. We value the real life consequences of our decisions, therefore we pay particular attention to details and thoroughly consider the costs of what we do so as not to add burdens or create problems where they previously did not exist.