Posts by admin



Providing greater economic opportunity for the people of Honduras through student-run, client-centered initiatives. I believe that the main objective for...

Chasing a Mission Statement

Chasing a Mission Statement

Personal Relationships Driving Mutually Beneficial Exchange Personal Relationships: We know that social capital is a huge driver for developing economies....

Specificity vs. Flexibility

Specificity vs. Flexibility

I believe there’s a fundamental tension that we’re all facing in trying to formulate a mission statement:  while we want...

forming relationships/financing dreams

forming relationships/financing dreams

Mission Statement: “students forming relationships and financing dreams” I’m not the best with words, but I feel like something to...

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

As part of the impact team, I know that it is essential for us to have a mission statement.  Not...

mission statement and recent observations

mission statement and recent observations

Reflecting on the events of this week and parts of the article “Development as Freedom” my idea of a mission...

Blog Post 3: Personal Mission Statement

Blog Post 3: Personal Mission Statement

Mission Statement:  Living is not enough; we must seek growth through experience. The thought process behind this mission statement returns...
