Our Purpose

La Ceiba MFI is a collegiate microfinance institution in partnership with Students Helping Honduras(SHH) and the University of Mary Washington.  SHH is a 501c3 non-profit organization building a movement of young people to empower orphaned and vulnerable children in Honduras.  UMW is a public liberal arts university in Fredericksburg, VA.


We envision a world in which every mother, father, son, and daughter have the opportunity to lead a fulfilling life together and realize their potential through hard work.


Sustainable solutions to poverty require the endogenous emergence of effective, legitimate, and resilient community-wide institutions that foster productive cooperation among its members.


Empower our clients with the assets and capabilities to participate in, influence and hold accountable the institutions and organizations that structure their lives, their family’s lives, and their communities.


Expand economic opportunities for and improve the everyday living conditions of our clients through the provision of desired financial, social, and educational support.  To do this, we develop long-lasting relationships founded upon mutual respect and open communication with our clients.  We always encourage our clientele to question our methods, constantly striving for more appropriate and effective programs.


Hope for a better tomorrow, dreams of your children’s future, and optimism that continued hard work will lead to success, are things that poverty can steal from those in its grasp.  When it does, we want to steal it back.
