
Poverty takes on multiple meanings

Poverty takes on multiple meanings

The danger that lies in ignoring a more broad definition of poverty (which includes “capability poverty” and “freedom poverty”) is...

Past Newsletters, future content!

Past Newsletters, future content!

LaCeiba-Newsletter(S09) LaCeiba-Newsletter(Fall08) Use these to get an idea of what to write for content.  We need an overview of each...

Blog Post 5: A case for mobility

Blog Post 5: A case for mobility

Poverty has been consistently elusive for most development economists, mostly because the causal factors have never been enumerated in their...

В советской России, Деньги Тратят Вас!

В советской России, Деньги Тратят Вас!

For those of you undoubtedly wondering, the title of this post is “In Soviet Russia, Money Spend you!” onward, then,...

Keep it small, do it right

Keep it small, do it right

It took me a while to pull all these thoughts together but here is my tardy second blog post, I...

Guess I’ve got Brain Problems!

Guess I’ve got Brain Problems!

I’ll start this, my THIRD (and perhaps, most prompt–promptest, if you will) blogpost by considering what the reading was saying...

What we are, and what we aren’t

What we are, and what we aren’t

La Ceiba is on the verge. Where do we go from here? Well, we have to ask our clients. Reading...
